

发布时间:2018-05-14  作者:冯黛梅   来源:谢天振比较文学译介学资料中心




当地时间2018年4月26—27日,美国哈佛大学与耶鲁大学为庆贺著名汉学家宇文所安荣休,联合主办了“重新思考世界中的中国文学”国际研讨会(Reconsidering Chinese Literature in the World: An International Symposium in Honor of Stephen Owen)。中美学者齐聚哈佛大学,针对一般文学与认知、中古文学、翻译与传播等主题进行讨论。

第二次世界大战以来,中国文学翻译作品的数量和质量都呈现蓬勃发展态势。哈佛大学东亚语言与文明系教授伊维德(Wilt L. Idema)表示,西方学者并没有利用这样的机会和条件,中国文学在比较文学领域还处于受“冷遇”地位。他认为,中国文学在西方学界依然没有正常化,是一个封闭的、特别的小圈子。事实上,无论是研究诗歌、小说还是戏剧的学者,都没有将非西方文学视为主要研究对象。

  华盛顿大学教授康达维(David R. Knechtges)表示,比较文学研究存在“欧洲中心”现象,但不能过于苛责相关学者。作为中国文学研究者,应该持开放与合作的态度,与其他人文领域展开合作。

  普林斯顿大学东亚研究系教授柯马丁(Martin Kern)认为,中国文学研究还存在一个跨行业、跨地域交流的问题。他认为,学者自身要意识到研究以及交流对象有不同的人群。要将彼此带入不熟悉的领域,让对方“了解”“熟悉”后才能达成认知。

  有学者表示,在重新审视现状时,除了向别处看之外,还应该向内看。科罗拉多大学亚洲语言与文明系教授柯睿(Paul W. Kroll)认为,事实上,现在的西方学者特别是美国学者面临着一些不利挑战:一个是盎格鲁中心主义在美国的上升;另一个是人们对西方学者带有“异域”特点的研究没有过去宽容。他还提到,现在美国研究中国语言学的学者很少真实地研究语言的读音、变化等。他希望那些冉冉升起的年轻学者继续接受挑战。


  美国卫斯理学院东亚语言与文化系教授魏爱莲(Ellen Widner)表示,现在的研究环境发生了巨大变化,更加国际化、多样性。她表示,现在中国文学在美国的影响还很有限,但有一个例外是人们对《红楼梦》的了解。即使有些美国人对中国的了解很少,也听说过《红楼梦》。《红楼梦》可以作为美国与中国文学之间的桥梁,通过了解小说,进而开始学习中国诗歌、音乐与艺术等,她还专门开了一门课讲解《红楼梦》。她认为,如果将中国文学分类来看,而不是作为一个整体,可能更吸引人们的关注。现在很多人被中国的科幻小说吸引,这也是一个新的发展趋势。


About Stephen Owen


A prolific author, translator, and editor in all periods of Chinese literary studies, and a devoted teacher to his numerous graduate and undergraduate students for over forty-five years, Stephen Owen has done as much as any living scholar to introduce the riches of the Chinese literary tradition to Western audiences both scholarly and popular, to reflect upon its contribution to the world’s literary heritage, and to revolutionize the ways it is read, not only in the Western world, but also in East Asia. Owen has authored twelve scholarly monographs on Chinese literature; edited four volumes; published well over eighty scholarly articles in English and Chinese; translated thousands of pages of Chinese verse; and served as the primary graduate advisor to over forty PhD students, the vast majority of whom have gone on to teach Chinese literature at universities throughout the United States, Europe, and East Asia. His work is itself the subject of many studies in Chinese, ranging from PhD and MA theses to articles and monographs. Owen has been James Bryant Conant University Professor at Harvard University since 1997, one of only twenty-five professors to hold that distinguished rank. He has served as a Senior Fellow in the Harvard Society of Fellows, been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society, been honored with the Wilbur Cross Medal from Yale University, and received the Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award for his seminal contributions to the fields of Chinese and Comparative Literatures.









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